Monday, December 12, 2016


Hey everyone! How are you? I am doing pretty good. I still like it out here so that is good. so this week we had a lot of service. Like 10 hours or something like that. So the biggest thing we have been working on is this interpreting project I'm not sure I can give you all the details on, but it is going good so far. So this week we had some interesting things happen we got like 3 or 4 or 5 referrals, most of which live up in Bellingham. Which is super far away. So we are working out how to work with those, we also got invited to go to a old person's home for people with memory loss and meet one of the workers there named Vernita, who is from Germany and super cool! We invited her to come to the Branch and she said she would some time, she seems very open and we are excited to progress with her. We have also met a new family (The Potter family) who has a hard of hearing son who we are going to start working with, they are already members but we are going to teach his family how to sign. So we look forward to that. This weekend we also had the Branch camp out which went pretty well. Not as many people showed up for it as we thought, but it was still pretty good. It was at a place called Zions camp which is a church owned camp ground over in Belfair. Pretty far as well. We had a few non-members show up and were able to teach them a little bit about the Gospel so that went well. This week my companion and I made some pies for our Zone leaders, we made a cherry pie and a chocolate Oreo pie. Both turned out pretty good. We also had a pretty good zone training meeting this week that we talked a lot about "teaching people, not lessons", listening to what people say, using inspired questions. It was awesome and my companion and I both took a lot away from it. Well, I think that is all for this week. Love you all!

Elder Galloway!


PS: 'Member to smile. It helps.

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